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This is the best place to find general announcements from K&A Precision.
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- 1 year, 3 months ago
Challenges: User-To-User
This is where you can challenge another K&A Precision User! Call out a friend or a top-performer and see if you can un-seat them or catch up to their KAP Point Lead! All user-to-user challenges are reviewed by K&A Precision admins.
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This is where K&A Precision will challenge YOU. Compete amongst yourselves for the chance to win even more KAP Points! Challenge rules and timelines will be included in each entry in this forum.
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- 11 months, 2 weeks ago
Forum Rules
Rules Of Engagement For K&A Precision Forum:
- Please keep content civil and G-Rated. All content is monitored by K&A Precision Admins and can be removed at any time and for any reason without prior notice to the original poster.
- Please stay on topic. This is not Facebook. We are a site dedicated to improving your personal and competitive shooting skills. If you have an issue with something please notify K&A Precision via email at [email protected].
- No political advertising, grandstanding, or promotion. Again, this is not Facebook. K&A Precision is an a-political site and we discourage bringing politics into users' conversations. If you have a question about K&A Precision's positions, please refer to our policy statements.
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- 7 months, 1 week ago
General Firearm Questions
Post a question about virtually anything firearm related. Just starting your marksmanship journey? Throw your questions out to the K&A community for some feedback. Making progress at the range but not sure what to do next? Get some answers from your fellow K&A shooters.
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- 2 months, 2 weeks ago